It is a privilege to be involved in the enterprise of mathematical discovery, which is the pursuit of both beauty and truth. I am driven by simple passion, curiosity and the sincere belief that mathematics is easier than most real-life problems and governed by a few underlying principles.
Prof GAN Wee Teck
PhD (Harvard University);
BA (University of Cambridge)
Department of Mathematics
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- Number theory
- Representation theory
- Formulated precise conjectures for answers in terms of local root numbers and the central value of L-functions for an important class of restriction problems for representations and automorphic forms of all classical groups
- Established the precise behaviour of the formal degrees of discrete series representations under the local theta correspondence, leading to many other findings and breakthroughs
- Successfully validated the well-known 40-year-old Howe duality conjecture, which lies at the very foundation of the theory of theta correspondence
- Conceived the general Siegel-Weil formula and the Rallis inner product formula, an advancement that sparked many applications in the theory of automorphic forms and L-functions
- Strong ability to work with and inspire others who complement his strengths
- Attention to detail and willingness to question
- Published several papers in leading mathematical journals resolving a number of longstanding conjectures
- Invited to deliver a lecture in the Number Theory section of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014
- Serves on the editorial boards of leading international journals, such as International Mathematics Research Notices and International Journal of Number Theory,
and acts as a referee for many others, including Annals of Mathematics and American Journal of Mathematics
- Provost’s Chair Professorship, NUS (2013)
- Sloan Research Fellowship (2003)
- American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship (2002)
“On a non-technical level: To achieve a balance between solving problems and opening up new avenues of research.”