University Awards
Teaching is not only a privilege and an honour but also a great responsibility. The success of a teacher pivots on the success of his students and this in turn moulds the future of nations. Assoc Prof Gerald KOH Choon Huat
PhD (Western University); MMed, MBBS (NUS)
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
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  • Family medicine
  • Geriatric medicine
  • Public health, biostatistics and epidemiology
  • Leads Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health’s Continuing Professional Education programme to support the national strategy for lifelong learning
  • Launched a university-wide module to equip students with knowledge on areas such as demography of ageing; normal and abnormal ageing; common geriatric conditions; as well as health, social services and policies for older persons
  • Serves as main academic advisor to the Neighbourhood Health Service project, which has seen, to date, more than 1,000 families benefitting from free door-to-door health screening offered by students; has published, together with the students, 10 papers on the residents’ health profile and clinical outcomes
  • Adopts a student-centric approach for the Community Health Project module, where students form their own groups based on their preferred research topic, after which they are matched with a tutor with similar interest
  • Makes the practice of medicine come alive through the use of case-based discussions which allow students to examine real-world issues, and underscores the impact of ageing through videos on elderly community members with social and health issues
  • Encourages students to think deeper during tutorials by asking probing questions to stimulate their thinking and strengthen their analytical skills
  • Published close to 90 original research articles and contributed more than 25 editorials, research letters and commentaries in peer-reviewed academic journals
  • Contributed articles on teaching to university publications
  • Section Editor, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Invited Lecturer for United Nations International Institute for Ageing
  • Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong
  • Presented at numerous international conferences and symposia, including 60 invited papers
  • Gold Prize, Annals of Academy of Medicine Best Publication Award (2015)
  • Distinguished Educators’ Award, College of Family Physicians of Singapore (2015)
  • Research Mentor Award, Singapore General Hospital Academic Clinical Programme (2015)
  • Top 10 Tutor Award, NUS Medical Society (2009)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS (2007/2008)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (2007/2008)
" To nurture inquisitiveness, critical thinking and logical reasoning; help bright students achieve greater excellence; help weak students cope better; foster passion, compassion, integrity and professionalism by being a role model; and foster inter-professional education to develop teamwork skills. "
 Honour Roll Recipients