Research is about wrestling with the intricate language of nature. It is also a process through which we appreciate and celebrate the wonders of nature.
Dr Goki EDA
PhD (Rutgers University);
MSc (Worcester Polytechnic Institute);
BA (International Christian University)
Departments of Chemistry and Physics
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- Two-dimensional nanomaterials
- Optoelectronics and photonics
- Mesoscopic charge transport
- Intercalation chemistry
- Demonstrated the unusual optical conductivity of atomically thin semiconductors and the unique relaxation dynamics of their optically excited states, shedding light on their potential for applications in novel photovoltaic devices
- Successfully unravelled the complex atomic structure of semiconducting two-dimensional crystals based on intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides, a subject of debate for over two decades
- Achieved efficient electrocatalytic generation of hydrogen using atomically thin sheets of chemically exfoliated tungsten disulphide, a novel nanomaterial that can be produced in mass quantities at low cost
- Demonstrated chemically assisted exfoliation of layered compounds as a means to large-scale synthesis of two-dimensional materials, paving the way for scalable, cost-effective production for novel sensing and thin-film electronics
- Provided explanations for the origin of charge scattering in semiconducting two-dimensional materials, which are emerging, promising materials for next-generation electronics
- Innovative, creative and interdisciplinary research effort with a strong focus on nanoscale device applications
- Highly collaborative in nature and ability to organise large-scale multidisciplinary research
- Strong manufacturing acumen in technologies for industrial-scale fabrication and processing of two-dimensional semiconducting thin films
- Authored invited reviews and perspectives of the field in top-tier journals such as Nature Chemistry, Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Nano, Chemical Society Reviews and Advanced Materials
- Over 7,000 citations received, with an average of 135 citations per paper
- Delivers invited and keynote talks regularly at international conferences and symposiums, such as the Optical Society of America meetings as well as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Photonics Society, Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Emerging Technologies Research and Materials Research Society conferences
- Young Scientist Award, NUS Faculty of Science (2014)
- Omicron Nanotechnology Medal and Prize, Institute of Physics Singapore (2013)
- National Research Foundation Fellowship, National Research Foundation, Singapore (2011)
- The Royal Society Newton International Fellowship (2009)
- Young Scientist Award, European Materials Research Society (2009)
"To translate the fundamental physical interactions between light and matter into disruptive and transformative technologies in optoelectronics and photonics."