NUS has given me good
insight into the workings
of a world-class university,
and I have learnt much
from the many people
who have kindly shared
their ideas and worked
with me in serving the
cause of NUS. This has
strengthened my belief
that opportunities come
from connecting
disciplines and different
ways of thinking.
Problems that are
multifaceted will demand
solutions that cater for
diverse interests.
Mr LEE Tzu Yang
Accelerated Development Programme (London Business School);
BSc (Econ) (London School of Economics and
Political Science)
Chairman, NUS Middle East Institute
Academic Panel, Institute of Policy Studies, NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Chairman, The Esplanade Company Limited
Chairman, Founders’ Memorial Committee
Chairman, Casino Regulatory Authority
Member, Council of Presidential Advisers; Legal Service Commission of Singapore; Board of Visiting Justices;
Centre for Liveable Cities Advisory Board
Justice of the Peace
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- Mr Lee was appointed Chairman of Founders’ Memorial Committee in 2015. He heads a
15-member committee, tasked to gather views from the public and to conceptualise a memorial
to honour and remember the values and ideals of Singapore’s founding generation of leaders.
Mr Lee currently chairs the board of the Esplanade, Singapore’s national performing arts centre
and one of the busiest arts hubs in the world. He was the first chairman of the School of the Arts,
a specialised arts school for 13 to 18 year-old students. He also led the Arts and Culture Strategic
Review commissioned by the Singapore government in 2011.
- One of the country’s foremost industry leaders, Mr Lee has contributed more than 35 years of
distinguished service to Shell Companies in Singapore before retiring as its Chairman. He worked
with different stakeholders on the technical and human factors in change, including the impact on
urban growth and development, in various countries.
- During his eight-year tenure as Chairman of Workplace Safety and Health Council, Mr Lee
supervised the launch of national programmes to create healthier and safer workplaces, including
bizSAFE and CultureSAFE.
- Mr Lee provides strong leadership and support as the Chairman of the Board for the NUS Middle
East Institute. The think tank is the only research organisation in Southeast Asia that conducts
scholarly and policy research on the broader Middle East. He is particularly involved in areas of
research that have key economic value and political significance to Singapore.
- Mr Lee continues to be closely involved in organisations whose work affects the development of
Singapore and impacts the daily lives of Singaporeans. These include the Council of Presidential
Advisers, Casino Regulatory Authority and Centre for Liveable Cities.
- He was Member, NUS Council, and later the NUS Board of Trustees from 2004 to 2010, where he
was a member of the Board’s Remuneration, Entrepreneurship and Investment committees. He
was also Board Member of NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy from 2008 to 2010; and
Member, Advisory Committee for MSc (Environmental Management), NUS’ inaugural multifaculty
programme, from 2002 to 2014.
- Meritorious Service Medal, Singapore (2014)
- Public Service Star, Singapore (2005)
" I hope NUS will focus on the great questions that are important to our future, to bring to the
attention of the wider community and provide the frameworks and opportunities to work on them. "