Research demands a great deal of curiosity, creativity, focus, discipline and perseverance.
To do well, it is important to always stay foolish and stay hungry.
Prof OOI Beng Chin
PhD, BSc (First Class Honours) (Monash University)
Department of Computer Science
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- Database system architectures
- Performance issues, indexing techniques and query processing of multimedia, spatiotemporal, distributed, parallel, peer-to-peer (P2P), and cloud database systems and applications
- Led groundbreaking research in P2P data management, making effective database functionality possible over P2P networks while addressing fundamental system and data management issues, that has culminated in the BestPeer system which enjoys an unsurpassed reputation for technological superiority, quality and reliability
- Conceived an innovative elastic power-aware data intensive Cloud (epiC) system capable of accommodating analytical processing and transaction processing that was widely regarded as unattainable
- Developed efficient mechanisms for managing large data in large-scale parallel and distributed systems, advancing many forms of decentralised data management such as database integration and P2P data management
- Consistently secured generous competitive research funding from government and industry
- Collaborates closely with researchers from laboratories of leading companies such as AT&T and Microsoft, and universities from around the world
- Strong ability to bridge scientific research and industry needs, build usable large systems and solve novel research problems
- Published over 70 journal articles and 120 conference papers with over 9,000 citations received and most of which appear in the world's top journals in computer science
- Current Hirsch index of 52, signifying high quality of research and impact
- Programme Committee Co-Chair, 28th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE) Conference (2012)
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (2009 – 2012)
- Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2011)
- Fellow, IEEE (2009)
- Programme Committee Chair, Core Data Bases Track, 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) Conference (2008)
- Programme Committee Chair, ACM Special Interest Group on Management Of Data (SIGMOD) Conference (2007)
- Editor, Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal (since 2008)
- Member, Editorial Board of
- International Journal for Geographical Information Systems (1995 – 2005)
- Geoinformatica (1997 – 2005)
- VLDB Journal (2002 – 2007)
- Secretary, VLDB Endowment Inc. (2010 – 2013)
- Co-Chair, ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee (2008 – 2011)
- Highly regarded expert sought after by industry and governments around the world
- IEEE Computer Society Kanai Award (2012)
- President's Science Award, Singapore (2011)
- ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award (2009)
"To invent disruptive technology and build large-scale data processing systems capable of transforming the business world and influencing the way it operates."