We are a small nation, but that has not stopped
us from having big engineering dreams. Our
resource limitations have not limited our ability to
translate these dreams into reality. Learning
from others is in our DNA, but it is learning
from doing that really gives us the confidence
to do big things. NUS has been a great partner
in doing many of these big things!
Prof QUEK Tong Boon
MSc (NUS); MA (University of Cambridge); BA (Hons) (University of Cambridge)
Chairman, Temasek Laboratories; NUS Temasek Defence Systems Institute; NUS Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology
Management Board Member, NUS Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing; NUS Tropical Marine Science
Scientific Advisory Board Member, NUS Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Adjunct Professor, NUS Engineering
Chief Defence Scientist, Ministry of Defence
Trustee, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Member, Board of Directors of Defence Science and Technology Agency; DSO National Laboratories; A*STAR; PUB
Chairman, International Advisory Panel, National Cybersecurity R&D
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- A pioneer in defence science research with more than 35 years of engineering experience, Prof Quek
has been involved in the creation of critical technological capabilities for the defence of Singapore,
including those related to guided weapons and other unmanned systems. As Chief Defence Scientist,
he provides strategic guidance for the development of these and other technologies. Before assuming
his current appointment, he was MINDEF’s Deputy Secretary (Technology and Transformation), Chief
Research and Technology Officer, and Chief Executive Officer, DSO National Laboratories. He has
also put in place key initiatives to spur innovation and excellence in the development of our defence
technological capabilities.
- He demonstrates a visionary zeal throughout his career in pursuing science and technology for national
interest, and is an inspiring mentor to researchers.
- Prof Quek helped to establish the Temasek Research Fellowship scheme in local universities to attract
outstanding young researchers to conduct and lead defence research.
- He initiated the formation of two new research centres in NUS — the Singapore Institute for
Neurotechnology in 2013 and Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research in 2010.
- He also helped NUS establish ties with many world-renowned universities and research institutes,
and arranged overseas visits for NUS researchers to collaborate on research projects. As CEO of DSO,
he was instrumental in establishing SWIFT — the national wind-tunnel facility at NUS.
- Prof Quek’s vision of developing an indigenous engineering capability for small satellites led to the
development of XSAT — the nation’s first indigenously developed microsatellite launched in April 2011.
It laid the foundation for the development of most of the Singapore satellites launched in December
2015, including Singapore’s first commercial earth observation satellite by ST Electronics, and two
NUS-developed satellites. Through his mentorship, an NUS team successfully demonstrated a
multidrone calligraphy performance at Singapore Airshow 2014 and a synchronised multidrone light
show at “The Future of Us” Exhibition in January 2016.
- Fellow, Academy of Engineering, Singapore (2012)
- Chevalier (Knight) of Légion of Honour of the French Republic (2011)
- Public Administration Medal (Gold), Singapore (2011)
- Honorary Fellow, Institution of Engineering, Singapore (2009)
- Public Administration Medal (Silver), Singapore (1996)
- Public Administration Medal (Bronze), Singapore (1989)
" To inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers to have the passion to shape the future
rather than be shaped by it. Whether it is analytics, robotics, neuromorphics or some other emerging
technology, let us aspire to be creators, beyond just being users and consumers! "