University Awards

Outstanding Educator Award

Teaching is both easy and difficult. Easy as we "simply" need to convey the joy of discovering and understanding to the students. Difficult as we need to rediscover and maintain the fresh perspective within ourselves. Dr SOO Yuen Jien
PhD, MSc, BSc (NUS)
Department of Computer Science
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  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Computer Organisation
  • Introduction to Parallel Computing
  • Embedded System Design Project
  • Software Engineering
  • Developed the Archipelago system, an interactive lightweight web application to enable large-scale in-class and real-time interaction with the students. The platform, which is a Learning Innovation Fund – Technology (LIF-T) project, has been formally administered and supported by NUS Centre of Instructional Technology since 2017
  • Completed two other LIF-T projects, namely, flipped classroom mastery learning based on the gamification platform coursemology developed by NUS Computing, and the creation and deployment of four mobile applications for the teaching of Chemistry-related modules
  • Member, Executive Council of the NUS Teaching Academy since 2016
  • Member, LIF-T Proposal Review Panel since 2015
  • Member, Computer Science Standing Teaching Evaluation Committee since 2015
  • Published articles on the development and delivery of teaching materials, including “Whiteboard versus PowerPoint: Friend or Foe” in the Centre for Development of Learning & Teaching’s Technology in Higher Education: State of the Art (eBook), March 2011; and “Bring back the whiteboard charms into PowerPoint presentation”, in CDTL Link, November 2006
  • Published a book chapter jointly with Dr Emelyn Tan from NUS Chemistry, titled “Creating Apps: A Non-IT Educator’s Journey Within a Higher Education Landscape” in Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2012/13, 2010/11, 2007/08) and Honour Roll (2014), NUS
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2016/17, 2009/10, 2008/09, 2007/08, 2006/07) and Honour Roll (2010), NUS Computing
 Honour Roll Recipients