
Hear from our REx fellows on their experience with the programme

"Being a part of the UROP-REx programme has provided me with unique and enriching opportunities to push myself further in my research endeavours. Through my project investigating protein-protein interactions, I have come to realise that research extends beyond just hands-on training. Although it presents its fair share of challenges, it beautifully integrates the thinking, doing and communicating of scientific inquiry. The REx programme brings together these elements through seminars and workshops that equip students with essential research methodologies and presentation skills. The programme even goes the extra mile by organising valuable networking webinars focusing on research careers. What I love about REx is that the advisors are always approachable and willing to guide us. Undoubtedly, this has been a stepping stone in my learning journey!"
Aparna Giri Shankar
Biological Sciences
"I came to Singapore on exchange seeking to fully immerse myself in biomedical research. In the end, I found all of that and more. A key reason why was because of REx. I was given opportunities and experiences which went beyond my imagination. The interdisciplinary nature of the REx programme, bringing scholars from all backgrounds together, also meant that I was free to explore novel ways of presenting my research unconfined by the natural sciences. The whole point is to make research findings accessible to everyone. Ultimately, REx is what you choose to make it: the programme’s freedom and fine-tunability is its greatest strength. Although it can be challenging, I believe that conducting research is one of the most fulfilling paths a person can pursue. Programmes like REx are necessary and lead the way in preparing students to conduct some of the most valuable contributions one can make to humankind. "
Clarissa Sastrawidjaya
Pharmacology, First REx fellow graduate
“The REx program provided an invaluable opportunity to connect with diverse individuals while learning the fundamentals of research in sciences and humanities. Through thought-provoking discussions and collaborative projects, I gained insights into various methodologies and communication strategies. The program’s supportive faculty and mentors guided me, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. This transformative experience has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel academically and professionally. I highly recommend this program for those seeking a rewarding research journey.”
Yin Chuan
Biological Sciences
"The whole experience had been rewarding due to the variety of workshops and seminars. Not only were the workshops and seminars fruitful but I have gained valuable insights from the instructors and fellow peers. The REx coordinators have been approachable and made the whole program enjoyable. Attending different workshops and seminars entails making new friends and conversing with instructors with differing expertise. Signing up for REx was worthwhile and has added value to my research and knowledge."
Nicole Chan Jie Yu
Biological Sciences
“REx has been a good complement to my UROPS. The seminars were helpful in honing my research skills, and opportunities were provided during the sessions to practice the skills taught. I have benefited in terms of my research writing and gained invaluable insights on research communication and careers in research. I would highly recommend taking up REx for those who wish to explore more about research in general.”
Julia Zhu
Microbiology and Immunology
"The UROP course has provided me access to opportunities that allowed me to experience the different aspects of research. Working closely with the laboratory I was attached to for the course, I was able to gain and refine several skills that could not be learnt in a classroom setting. Additionally, the REx programme has provided much needed insight to various skills needed for academia. The learning environment was conducive, and I believe the takeaways from the programme will remain relevant throughout the rest of my undergraduate journey in NUS."
Richelle Ho
Biological Sciences
“The REx experience has been such a fruitful journey of learning with and learning from others. I especially appreciated how people from different research backgrounds could share about how research tips and insights can be applied to their own field. The arts and sciences have so much more in common than I thought, and REx helped me to think in a more interdisciplinary way. It also empowered me with useful research tools that broadened the way I think about and conduct research."
Shawn Lee
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