
UROP+REx Application Process

REx Application Process


REx Course Upgrade

The course upgrade aims to provide students taking UROP or ISC* courses with a holistic research experience through participation in research themed workshops, showcasing their work at conferences or symposiums, and collaborating with undergraduate researchers from other disciplines in NUS.


* For Biz students only.


CDE2605R: Undergraduate Research Experience (UREx)

For CDE students who would like to carry out undergraduate research under CDE and benefit from REx, they may opt to take UREx. More information can be found HERE.


REx Lite (Coming soon!)


Recordings for Information Sessions


May 2024


Application Forms (click on the headers below to download your respective)




ISC+REx (For Biz)


Other Forms (For all REx Fellows)

Reimbursement Form

Self-Evaluation Form 

For UROP/ISC* application forms, project listings and requirements, please refer to the button below

Check that you have selected the correct faculty button

*ISC application forms are only applicable to BIZ students