
What is REx Prime (REx’)?

The motivation of launching REx Prime (REx’) is to provide undergraduate students who have completed UROP and had not previously upgraded their UROP courses with REx (i.e. UROP+REx), financial support and avenues to explore possible continuation or development of their completed UROP project. REx Prime will be a new initiative by the Undergraduate Education Team at Office of the Provost and is a derivative of the flagship Research Experience (REx) programme.

REx Prime will also be useful for students who complete UROP during special semesters and are thus not eligible to apply for UROP+REx. Upon completing special semester UROP, these students can opt to benefit from REx post-UROP by applying for REx’.

REx Prime Guidelines

Learn more about the Curriculum and Application Procedure

What does REx Prime comprise of?

          REx Fellows can claim up to $1000 of grant monies to support their post-UROP activities. Grant monies will be accessible until final semester in NUS.

          An e-Certificate of Completion will be issued to REx Fellows who complete the following components within 12 months upon onboarded

o   3 REx Workshops

o   Completion of Research Showcase (either one of the following options)

§  Presenting during annual UROP+REx Conference organized by UGE-PVO

§  Participating in RU+ workshops hosted by UGE-PVO and NUS Libraries

§  Submission of materials presented during conferences outside NUS (local or international)


          Must have completed at least one UROP course

          Students taking Final Year Projects (FYP) and Honors Thesis (HT) are eligible to apply, as long as they had completed a UROP course prior to applying

          REx Fellows who have previously applied and benefitted from REx (UROP+REx, ISC+REx and UREx) are not eligible to apply