
REx Course Upgrade

Phase 1 of the REx pilot was first launched in Semester 2 of AY2022/2023 in CHS. At the first instance, REx is an optional enhancement which is applicable to UROP/UROPS modules offered by departments in FASS and FoS. Following the first phase of the pilot, REx will be expanded to other faculties. Faculty members supervising the UROP/UROPS projects will also be the students’ REx supervisors.

Note: Students must meet the pre-requisites for undertaking the UROP/UROP

S module that they choose to enhance with REx. Students can only choose to enhance a UROP/UROPS module with REx once in their undergraduate career. When students enrol in a UROP/UROPS module, they will have the option to concurrently enrol in the REx Fellow.

Important information for REx Fellows
As REx is an upgrade to existing UROP/UROPS modules, students will not earn additional credits on top of the credits for the UROP courses. The suffix “-R” will be added to the course code, to indicate that it is a REx-enhanced UROP/UROPS course.

Interested students enrolling in the REx course upgrade should submit a short research grant proposal to the PVO UG Research Coordinating Team for evaluation; it contains the application guidelines and terms & conditions for usage of the grant. Upon approval, REx Fellows will receive a research grant of up to $2,500 to be used to reimburse costs for the proposed research. There will be flexibility in the usage of the research grant, based on the needs of the research project.