Application for Participating Merchant

To apply as a Participating Merchant for the AlumNUS Card programme


The AlumNUS Card is a complimentary life-long privilege card exclusive to NUS graduates that grants them access to NUS facilities and events, as well as external merchant offers. We have a card base of 222,672. Please note that the discounts/ privileges will have to be extended to the entire NUS community, which include students, staff and alumni.

In return as our merchant, your products/services will be publicised on our alumni database via various communication channels, including digital and print platforms.

Participating merchants will be bound to a preferred contractual term of 1 year. Please note that we do not blast dedicated EDMs to our alumni database.

For us to proceed with your application of AlumNUS Card merchant programme, please provide with the following information:

Note: all fields are compulsory

Upon submission, we will evaluate the information provided and update you on the status of your application via email within 3 working days.