NUS Sing Along Alumni volunteering at All Saints Home (Hougang)

NUS Sing Along Alumni volunteering at All Saints Home (Hougang)

Bright and early on the morning of Saturday, September 3rd, nineteen NUS Alumni Sing-along members arrived at All Saints Home, Hougang to spread joy to the residents. We entertained the residents who were able to join us at the multi-purpose hall with our renditions of English, Malay, Mandarin and Chinese dialect songs. A few sang along while others clapped along. It brought smiles to their faces when familiar tunes were sung. A chicken rice & porridge lunch, favourite dishes of the residents and requested by them, was provided for all 130 residents. 10 kg. of peach & longan cake was served during their tea time. All thanks to the ASA members and friends who had made generous financial contributions to the event. Some residents were so happy that they requested for us to return monthly to sing for them and even requested specific songs, especially Hokien songs. Our rewards were the smiles on the residents’ faces and the opportunity to touch their lives, even for a short while.