Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen

Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen

NUS alumni, students and staff from the Tembusu College came together to clean, cut, cook and pack meals for the less fortunate among us. NUS President Professor Tan Chorh Chuan; Master of Tembusu College, Associate Professor Gregory Clancey; Director of Student Affairs, Dr Kuan Yee Han; and Director of the NUS Office of Alumni Relations, Mr Bernard Toh also rolled up their sleeves to do their part for the community. “Being in a community is really a special thing. It was pretty incredible to see everyone come together for these few hours, and hey – I got to marinate fish elbow-to-elbow with Prof Tan Chorh Chuan! It takes a community to help a community. The little that we do can really do a lot.” – Tembusu College resident, Liana Gurung, Year 4, Literature major