UHC Push4ACause

UHC Push4ACause

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NUS Association: NUS Staff

September & October 2023 - The University Health Centre (UHC) held the “UHCPush4ACause” push-up challenge from September 1-31 2023. The challenge was campus-wide so both individuals and groups participated. 63 UHC staff joined the challenge by completing an outstanding 13,455 push-ups and helped to raise $3000 towards Sunshine Welfare Action Mission (SWAMI) Home. Funds were used to purchase daily necessities for vulnerable seniors residing at SWAMI. Concluding the challenge, a small group of UHC staff spent a meaningful morning at the Home on 20 October to present the donations-in-kind, served the elderly residents catered food, and interacted with them. It was a heart-warming sharing session for everyone. (from L to R): Ms Fiona How (Associate Director, UHC), Mr Ker Boon Han (Assistant Manager, UHC), Dr Tan Tong Nam, Patrick (Director, University Health Centre), Mr Chian Phiang Nam (Executive Director, SWAMI Home), Ms Pow Lay Kuan (Director, Blossom Seeds), Ms Tok Yan Shuang (Manager, SWAMI Home), Madam Tan Ai Suan (Assistant Nursing Director, SWAMI Home)