Neighbourhood Health Service

Neighbourhood Health Service

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A total of 300 medical, nursing and social work students from NUS participated in the Neighbourhood Health Service (NHS), which provided free health screening services for the residents in Taman Jurong. Besides triage services (e.g. measuring blood pressure, capillary blood glucose, BMI, Snellen Test), NHS also collaborated with Singapore Eye Research Institute to offer advanced eye screening services, and with South West CDC to refer residents for free Mammogram services. Other services provided include pap smear referrals to Singapore Cancer Society and referrals to various social service organisations. “I appreciate the fact that I could discuss the residents’ circumstances with the medical students so that the work we were doing became collaborative rather than parallel. I was able to understand the residents’ biophysical concerns, which helped me to assess the psychological and social factors inhibiting their treatment seeking more thoroughly.” - Tan Qiu Xuan, Arts and Social Sciences (Social Work) student