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NUS Be A-HEAD: Survive or Thrive at Work?

NUS Be A-HEAD is a seminar series that offers young alumni and graduating students career hacks, advice, and tips. Get ahead as we help you navigate workplace ambiguity, reimagine career challenges and build relevant knowledge.

Shaw Foundation Alumni House, NUS
21 Sep 2023
7.30pm - 8.30pm
NUS Office of Alumni Relations
Ms Soh Hui Min

Event Details

You may feel like you are just surviving at work and barely hitting minimum performance targets. Get insider insights on how you can own your success and thrive at work, without feeling like an imposter.

Join us for the 2nd session of the NUS Be A-HEAD series, which focuses on how you can motivate yourself to level up your career. 

• Chia I-Ling, Director (Policy & Professional Development), Council for Estate Agencies (Public Policy ’17)
• Vishnu Saran, CEO & Founder, Invigilo AI (Engineering ’19)

Registration Fee: $5*
*Dinner will be provided. Registration starts at 7.00pm.

About the speakers:

Chia I-Ling (Public Policy '17)
Director (Policy & Professional Development), Council for Estate Agencies (CEA)

I-Ling used to produce and host Mandarin news and current affairs programmes at MediaCorp Radio Singapore. She made a career switch to work in the public service. Since then, she has held diverse public sector appointments, including the Chief Data Officer of CEA, and management roles in licensing, business process re-engineering, corporate and strategic communications, public outreach, media and international relations.

Vishnu Saran (Engineering '19)
CEO & Founder, Invigilo Al 

The core vision of Invigilo AI is to have a zero workplace accident future through the use of advanced AI and IoT technologies to enhance safety in high risk workplaces. Vishnu is trained in software product management and design thinking, with experience working on a multitude of technologies. He is always working on ways to utilise innovation to solve real-world problems.

Terms & Conditions

  • This seminar is open to the public. Priority will be given to graduating students and alumni of NUS.
  • Registration fees are not refundable.
  • Photography and videography will be carried out for archival and marketing purposes. NUS and its event partners may use some or all of these images/videos in their print publications, digital platforms and marketing channels.
  • By registering for this event, you hereby consent to NUS collecting, using and/ or disclosing your personal data to third parties (including any third party located outside of Singapore) for the purpose of processing, handling and managing your participation in the event stated herein.

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