20– 29 MARCH 2015

2015 marks a watershed year in our history. Not only will we celebrate 50 years of Singapore’s nation building but we also commemorate 110 years of National University of Singapore. Founded in 1905 as a medical school, Singapore’s oldest institution of learning has witnessed the birth and growth of our island city-state and has played its part in the quick march of time to our present by producing pioneers and leaders in every aspect of society. More than just historical markers, the significant events in history celebrate the unique achievements of these men and women who have transformed society and who continue to inspire future generations with their courage, commitment, creativity and a strong sense of community.

From 20 – 29 March 2015, our 10th edition of NUS Arts Festival celebrates pioneers and prodigies through its theme “Spirit of the Times”. Travel through time and catch the sights, sounds, colors and moods through enthralling music, insightful plays and dazzling dance performances which attempt to capture the spirit of the times.

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