Fri 20 Mar

Opening Show: Words and Music: A Love Story Told in Jazz
Jeremy Monteiro with Wang Liansheng, NUS Jazz Band and NUS Alumni All-stars
8pm, UCC Hall

Overdrive II
NUS Dancers with Ricky Hu (China/Hong Kong) and Chen Wu-Kang (Taiwan)
8pm, UCC Theatre

NUSS The Graduate Club Talents
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Detroit Metal City [NC16]
Toshio Lee
7.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Sat 21 Mar

Celebrations 2015: Homecoming
NUS Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lim Soon Lee
8pm, UCC Hall

Overdrive II
NUS Dancers with Ricky Hu (China/Hong Kong) and Chen Wu-Kang (Taiwan)
8pm, UCC Theatre

Furthest North, Deepest South
NUS Theatre Studies Year 3
8pm, UCC Dance Studio

Singapore Char Siew Baos!
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Sumo Do Sumo Don’t [Rating to be advised]
Masayuki Suo
3.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Desmond Sim with NUS Talents
8pm, NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road

Poeme Symphonique for 110 Metronomes
CFA Music Groups
7.20pm, Alice Lee Plaza (next to NUS Museum)

Sun 22 Mar

InTempo 2015: Singapore Panorama
NUS Wind Symphony with The NUSChoir conducted by A/P Ho Hwee Long, Francis Tan and Dr Zechariah Goh
8pm, UCC Hall

Furthest North, Deepest South
NUS Theatre Studies Year 3
8pm, UCC Dance Studio

Desmond Sim with NUS Talents
3pm, NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road

Residential College Acapella Showcase
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Wed 25 Mar

RockFest 2015
NUS Halls of Residence
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Thu 26 Mar

Do you Believe in Love? [Rating to be advised]
Dan Wasserman
7.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Desmond Sim with NUS Talents
8pm, NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road

Fri 27 Mar

Pages of Black: A Frank Zappa Tribute
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Percussion Ensemble
8pm , UCC Theatre

Clarice and The Jive Collective
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Hunting Elephants [PG13]
Reshef Levy
7.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Desmond Sim with NUS Talents
8pm, NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road

Poeme Symphonique for 110 Metronomes
CFA Music Groups
7.20pm, Alice Lee Plaza (next to NUS Museum)

Sat 28 Mar

Pacific Mirrors: New Music from Asia and the United States
Asian Contemporary Ensemble
8pm, UCC Dance Studio

Lorong Boys
7pm, UCC Courtyard

Dancing in Jaffa [Rating to be advised]
Hilla Medalia
5.30pm , Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Hunting Elephants [PG13]
Reshef Levy
7.30pm, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Education Resource Centre, UTown

Desmond Sim with NUS Talents
8pm, NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road

Sun 29 Mar

Closing Show: Dance Reflections: Still I Rise
CFA Dance Groups
8pm, UCC Hall

Pacific Mirrors: New Music from Asia and the United States
Asian Contemporary Ensemble
8pm, UCC Dance Studio

You Say Hey, I Say Dance!
Featuring ITE College Central Urban Central Statements, Ngee Ann Polytechnic New Revolving Age, NUS Ballroom, Republic Polytechnic Tarian Dharma Endari, SIM Dance Art and Temple of Fine Arts
7pm, UCC Courtyard

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