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We are Singapore’s flagship university. We hope you will be inspired by the many fascinating facets that make NUS a leading global university centred in Asia.

NUS President

Shaping the Future

“At NUS, we are moving boldly — and concertedly — to expand tomorrow's frontiers. We believe that we have the power to shape the future, for the better.”

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Thought Leadership

Distinguished thought leaders, movers and shakers in Singapore and across the globe gather regularly on campus to share their insights and engage in intellectual discourse.

Consumers might have to pay more for their rides and deliveries. It’s a price worth paying

Consumers might have to pay more for their rides and deliveries. It’s a price worth paying

Numbering over 70,000, platform workers play critical roles in our modern economy, be it in food delivery or ride-hailing services. Associate Professor in Practice Terence Ho from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy shares his insights on the importance of policies like the recently passed Platform Workers Bill and other similar worker protections, which may incur business costs that are passed down to consumers but are ultimately crucial in ensuring fairer work conditions for a sustainable platform workforce.

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How China Can Make Life Better for Foreign and Domestic Tourists Alike

How China Can Make Life Better for Foreign and Domestic Tourists Alike

In a bid to win over foreign tourists and their spending, China has dispensed with pandemic regulations and greatly liberalised visas for foreign visitors, while WeChat has opened its payment system to international credit cards. Professor Ivan Png, Distinguished Professor of Strategy & Policy from the NUS Business School, suggests various ways China can further restore pre-pandemic levels of tourists, such as refining visa policies, payment systems, and railway services to boost tourism.

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