Held on 18–19 February 2023

Schedule: Day 1

Sessions on Day 1 will be around subject matter and the type of content being expressed through Malay dance performances in Singapore

Sessions may be held in a mixture of English and Malay


Evolution of Malay Dance in Singapore

75 min — 15 min overview / 45 min conversation / 15 min Q&A

An overview of the evolution of Malay Dance in Singapore, followed by a conversation between Dr. Noramin Farid (Choreographer, arts educator, researcher) and Dr. Suriani Suratman (NUS Dept of Malay Studies) on the relationship between the Singapore Malay identity and Malay Dance created in Singapore over the last 50 – 60 years.


Tea Break

15 min


In-conversation: Malay Dance through the Decades

90 min — 70 min conversations / 20 min Q&A

A conversation between two generations of Malay Dance artists, Cikgu Na’aim Pani, Mdm Som Said and Osman Abdul Hamid, on the kinds of works, subject matters, and forms that they have created over the last 50–60 years.

Moderated by Dr. Suriani Suratman


Lunch Break

60 min


Thesis Presentation: Malay Dance as a Platform for Social Discourse on Women

30 min — 20 min presentation / 10 min Q&A

A presentation by Suraya Suhairi on her thesis that discusses Malay Dance as a Platform for Social Discourse for Women.

Moderated by Dr. Suriani Suratman


Production Presentation: Creating Work Around the Theme of Intimate Partner Violence

30 min — 20 min presentation / 10 min Q&A

A presentation by Ilsa Tari on choosing Intimate Partner Violence as a topic for the next performance.

Moderated by Dr. Noramin Farid


Interactive Session With Student Participants From Various Malay Dance Groups

90 min — Interactive sessions and discussions

Hosted by Ilsa Tari, this is an interactive session between students of different tertiary Malay Dance groups exploring topics they’re interested in Malay Dance as well as concerns and challenges in being Malay dancers these days.

Listening and observing the sessions are: Melissa Quek, Dr. Noramin Farid & Osman Abdul Hamid



15 min


Sharing of Result of Interactive Session and Wrap Up of Day 1 Symposium

60 min — 45 min sharing / 15 min wrap up

Sharing of discussions raised in the interactive session with student participants from various Malay Dance groups.

Summary of observations and challenges that were discussed throughout the day by: Dr. Noramin Farid, Melissa Quek, and Osman Abdul Hamid.
