We are pleased to announce the launch of the new RIE2025 cycle (FY2021 to FY2025) for MOE’s decentralised Gap Funding, on a nomination basis

This is a grant to support early stage Gap Projects for innovation and enterprise (I&E) initiatives in NUS from FY2021 to FY2025, administered by Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI).

Desired outcome
: Achieve KPIs in spin-offs and commercial licenses/licensing revenues

Eligible nominees only from the NUS community:

  1. Faculty members
  2. Non-faculty research staff
  3. Postgraduate research students

The project must be supported by either an TTI Technology Manager (TM) or Venture Manager (VM), who will nominate and support the project as the TTI Project Manager (PM).

Please approach your TM/VM for support or ask for one to be assigned by writing in to us via email. 

For any queries, please write to gapfunding@nus.edu.sg

Quantum and Duration
