Research beginnings
AYOXXA Living Health Technologoes Pte Ltd began life as a 2008 research project to validate that a parallel biomolecular microarray system could be applied for the simultaneous detection of multiple protein biomarkers in a single step. This quest to find the “Ferrari horsepower” of protein analysis would allow hundreds of diseases – from infectious diseases to cancer - to be detected from a sample of blood. This is a significant improvement over current diagnostic technologies, which can only detect a handful of diseases at any one time. Faster diagnosis means faster treatment for the patient. Led by Assistant Prof Dieter Trau, from NUS Faculty of Engineering, the team also wanted to be able to manufacture the product cost-effectively.
Powered by NUS technology
AYOXXA Biosystems GmbH, an international biotech company based in Cologne (Germany) and Singapore, has developed a proprietary technology platform for multiplex protein analysis. Founded in 2010, AYOXXA is a biotech spin-off company from the National University of Singapore (NUS). Core to the cutting-edge system is a bead-based technology (IEBA) that yields 10,000-fold more data points than a standard 384-well ELISA. The IEBA technology was developed at Associate Professor Dieter Trau’s laboratory at the Department of Biomedical Engineering in Singapore. Together with lowest sample volume in the multiplex protein arena, an increased assay robustness, and read-out with existing equipment, AYOXXA will bring a paradigm shift to biomedical research, pharmacological screening and preclinical diagnostics development. AYOXXA is incubated by NUS Enterprise and won the Promising NUS Start-up Award earlier this year.


Prof Trau received S$250,000 Proof of Concept grant from National Research
Foundation for the “Ultra-low cost bead-based microarrays for bio molecular diagnostics” project


Founded AYOXXA

Received S$250,000 grant from the Singapore-MIT Alliance of Research and Technology


Received S$500,000 grant from SPRING Singapore’s Technology Enterprise
Commercialisation Scheme, supported by NUS Enterprise


Established European office facilitating access to European and global markets

Raised S$4.6 million for Series A financing


Named Promising NUS Start-Up and received S$100,000 prize money in Innovation & Enterprise Awards 2014

Raised close to S$15 million for Series B-financing round