NUS Alumni Sing-Along Christmas Celebration

01 December

Since 2015, Christmas has always been the highlight of the NUS Alumni Sing-Along’s (ASA) events each year.

This year, NUS ASA celebrated Christmas on 1 December 2023 at the Chill-Lab, NUS Society (NUSS), Kent Ridge Guild House. The Silverstones, an NUSS band, provided the entertainment and accompanied ASA members and guests who belted out evergreens and Christmas songs during open mic. Professional dancers Mr Lim Chee Kiang (Engineering ’83) and guest performer Ms Jaslin Lim danced gracefully and flawlessly to the songs ‘Pink Lemonade’ and ‘Happy Christmas’, mesmerising everyone present. Although it was only the first day of the Christmas month, the mood and spirit of Christmas caught on very quickly when attendees did the conga dance to the song ‘Gimme Hope Jo’anna.’ Throughout the celebration, everyone danced and sang, and of course, helped themselves to the delectable Christmas hi-tea buffet and ate heartily.

ASA thanks The Silverstones, performers, members and guests for making it such an unforgettable Christmas Celebration. Special thanks to Mr Clarence Lim Soo Hwee (Arts and Social Sciences ’78) and Mr Su Allin (Engineering ’73) who helped to organise the event.

ASA wishes everyone a blessed & joyous Christmas and a happy 2024!

  • Alumni Group - NUS Alumni Sing-Along
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