Issue 114 | Jul-Sep 2018

SkillsFuture Advice Workshop

A NEW EVENT on the NUS Alumni Relations' calendar, the SkillsFuture Advice Workshop, aims to provide alumni with useful information on staying ahead amid changes and disruptions in the workplace.


The inaugural session held on 5 April was organised in partnership with the SkillsFuture Engage Office and NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE). Participants learned more about how to optimise the $500 SkillsFuture credits on upskilling and reskilling programmes, including those offered by SCALE. Participants also took a RIASEC, a personality/career test, to find out if they are Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders) or Conventional (Organisers).

Ms Tan Swee Suan, SkillsFuture Advice Associate Facilitator

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