Issue 116 | Jan-Mar 2019

Tall Order

ESM Goh Chok Tong (Arts ’64)

Tall Order tells the extraordinary story of the life and career of Singapore’s second Prime Minister over half a century, revealing how ESM Goh Chok Tong rose through a combination of strength, wit and a political nous which many, including himself, did not know he had. In this first of two volumes, ESM Goh navigated years of a challenging apprenticeship to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, scoring numerous policy successes but also suffering political blows and humiliation.

In the hands of acclaimed author and journalist Mr Peh Shing Huei (Arts ‘99), this authorised biography reveals the private deliberations and negotiations between ESM Goh and Mr Lee before the maiden leadership transfer of independent Singapore. Tall Order is the first biography of ESM Goh. This riveting book offers rare insights into Singapore’s biggest and most important political and economic stories.

The book is available at all major bookstores including Popular, Times the Bookstore, Kinokuniya and MPH. More information can be found at: 
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