NUS Alumni Vancouver Chapter Committee and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

03 March

The NUS Alumni Vancouver Chapter held an appreciation dinner for its committee members (both former and new) as well as volunteers on 3 March. The gathering was also a good opportunity for newly-appointed Chapter Chairperson, Ms Tiffany Chia (Business ’97) and her Committee to get to know their predecessors.

Ms Chia, on behalf of her new Committee, including Vice Chairperson Mr Adrian Png (MTech ’03), and Secretary Mr Richard Kang (Engineering ’03), would like to thank former Chairpersons Mr Arthur Yap (Business ’63), Dr Jon Quah (Computing ’88) and their committee members for their significant contributions and efforts in creating a warm and welcoming NUS alumni community in Vancouver.

“Arthur and his team of volunteers helped paved the way and set up what is now the NUS Alumni Vancouver Chapter. After 15 years of tireless service, Arthur stepped down and passed the baton to Jon. The highest compliment that we can pay them is our commitment to build on the foundation they have established and continue to foster a closely-knit and vibrant NUS Alumni community in Vancouver,” said Ms Chia.

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