NUS Business School Eminent Business Alumni Awards 2018

07 November

The prestigious NUS Business School Eminent Business Alumni Awards 2018 was held on 7 November 2018 at Conrad Centennial Singapore to honour the achievements of 12 outstanding alumni. 

Held biennially, the awards recognise alumni who have excelled in Singapore and beyond, and have made significant contributions to business and society. Dr Vivian Balakrishnan (Medicine ’85 ’91), Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister-in-charge of the Smart Nation Initiative, presented the awards at the ceremony.

“Our recipients have made an impact beyond Singapore’s shores, contributed to the nation’s goal of becoming a Smart Nation, and generously donated their time to serve the community. They make us proud by continuing the legacy of what it means to be an NUS Business School graduate,” said Professor Bernard Yeung, Dean and Stephen Riady Distinguished Professor, NUS Business School.


Read more about the Awards at

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