Passing the Torch

13 January

Mr Sonny Yuen (Business ’85) has stepped down as President of the NUS Business School Alumni Association (NUSBSA), after serving two terms since 2014. He was a founding member of NUSBSA since 2000, serving in various key positions.

One of the key activities Mr Yuen organised was the NUS Bizad Charity Run — a flagship event that is synonymous with NUS Business School. Since the inaugural event in 2011, some 8,600 runners have raised more than $965,000 for financially-needy Business School students and 15 charities. Under his leadership, the event’s participation grew six times and donations have also increased at least four-fold.

 For Mr Yuen, the NUS Business School is an important part of his life. “The opportunity to interact with current students and reconnect with different alumni far exceeds any monetary benefits. “For me, joining the Alumni Association was an avenue to serve and give back,” shares Mr Yuen.

Looking back at his time as NUSBSA President, he counts identifying great people and building on their strengths to implement ideas as his greatest achievements. He built a team that established the NUSBSA Women’s Wing in 2015, and the NUSBSA Accountancy Wing, which resulted in a 30 per cent increase in female representation and Accounting alumni on the Association’s Board.

He will now continue his NUS giving journey by chairing the NUS Alumni Leaders Forum under the care of the NUS Office of Alumni Relations (OAR).

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