Participants busy preparing meals at Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen.
Participants helping out at Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen.
Participants doing their part at Man Fut Tang Welfare Society.
The group helping out at Man Fut Tang Welfare Society.
NUS Engineering Day of Service 2020
05 September
The NUS Day of Service is a yearly event for the NUS family to come together to give back to the community. This year, NUS Engineering collaborated with Engineering Alumni Singapore (EAS) for the first time to bring together alumni, staff, and students to participate and everyone was eager to do their part for the community. The participants worked hard at Man Fut Tong Welfare Society, a non-profit charitable organization which assists the needy and less fortunate, to deliver and distribute food items to the underprivileged. At the same time, another group also lent their support to Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen, a secular and non-affiliated charity, to ensure that meals will reach the hands of poverty-stricken families, migrant workers, the elderly, and the disabled in Singapore.
Submitted by Mr Kok Cheng Da.