Issue 122 | Jul-Sep 2020

Learning to Get Back on Her Own Feet

It was no easy feat to get back into the workforce after a hiatus of more than a decade, but Ms Peng Wan Joo (Arts and Social Sciences ’99) didn’t let the challenges hinder her success.

The decision to leave her network marketing business wasn’t an easy one. But for Ms Peng Wan Joo,  having time to spend with her newborn was her top priority. So, at 28, she left the corporate world. But it certainly wasn’t an easy road. She recalled not having any days off and felt defined by how well she took care of her child and home. 

When her son entered upper primary, Ms Peng decided it was time to rejoin the workforce. To help her on her career journey, a friend recommended that she enrol in a Workforce Skills Qualification course on Career Development Facilitation. From there, she found out more about Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the services they offered. Eventually, she got in touch with a WSG career coach.

Through her coach, Ms Peng was advised to attend a resumé workshop, where she learnt the importance of highlighting her skills in her cover letter and CV. Within a couple of weeks of sending out her revised resumé, she was offered a job at a multinational corporation. 

“Speaking to a career coach gave me the courage to do what I would not have done,” she says. “My coach’s guidance and encouragement gave me a confidence  boost, which helped me take action and make decisions quickly. It feels great to be earning my own keep again.” 

Seeking employment help? Make an appointment to see a career coach to help with your job search. Visit to register your interest.
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