Issue 124 | Jan-Mar 2021

Laying the Foundation

Mr Addison Bain (Engineering ’13), 31, technology consultant and the top MSc I4.0 student in the first cohort, on his decision to upskill and stay relevant in a rapidly-changing economy.

“Business and technological innovation are inextricably linked, and the demand for technology-enabled business transformation services is rapidly growing. I felt that enrolling in the NUS Master of Science in Industry 4.0 (MSc I4.0) programme would open up more doors to the fast-growing information and communications technology sector.

The multidisciplinary nature of the programme was the biggest pull factor. It allowed me to develop a broad understanding of the latest technology trends and keep pace with the changing nature of industries amid the age of digital disruption. Moreover, the option to choose a graduate certificate and other electives gave me the flexibility to deep dive into specific technology-related areas that were best aligned to my personal interests and professional development goals. 

The idea of lifelong employment, in a single role, with a single company, has disappeared as organisations today require workers to be dynamic and be able to thrive in a constantly-changing environment. Therefore, lifelong learning is critical for us to build up professional resilience and remain competitive in a connected, globalised, and technologised world. It is not just about the acquisition of new knowledge and skills – more importantly, we need to have the right mindset and aptitude to learn, unlearn, and relearn at every stage of life. This will enable one to stay relevant and be well-positioned to seize new career opportunities as they come along.”
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