Celebration of Love and Giving Dinner 2023

10 February

In line with Valentine's Day, the NUS Campus Couples Alumni hosted more than 200 alumni couples and donors at its annual Celebration of Love and Giving Dinner in appreciation of their efforts to support financially-challenged NUS students.

This year, alumni couples raised a total of S$357,665 for the NUS Campus Couples Bursary Fund and other bursaries. Over S$816,000 has been raised since the NUS Campus Couples Bursary’s inception in 2015, benefitting 127 financially disadvantaged NUS students.   

Held at the National University of Singapore Society Kent Ridge Guild House on 10 February 2023, the event brought together a community of campus couples from various generations to celebrate love and generosity. The heart-warming celebration was also a meaningful occasion to acknowledge and thank the donors who help raise funds for underprivileged students in NUS.

Supported by the Alumni Student Advancement Committee, NUS Office of Alumni Relations and NUS Development Office, the event saw a lively turnout as alumni cheerfully reconnected with each other – some for the first time in person in three years.

Guests were treated to a romantic musical performance by the NUS Jazz Band during the dinner. The night continued with a heartfelt recognition of the donors' generosity, concluding with a cheque presentation to NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85).

Ms Khalijah Masud (Science ’92) and Mr Aznan Ghazali (Arts ’92) said they were grateful for the chance to be able to give back to their alma mater. “Reflecting on our blessed life (and) giving back commemorates the remarkable time we had in NUS and specifically in Sheares Hall. At this point in our lives, it's also important for us to leave a legacy and set an example for our children,” said Ms Khalijah.

Ms Jessica Leong (Arts ’85) shared that she and her husband, Mr Wong Jin Kok (Engineering ’85), were keen to contribute as education held a special place in her husband’s heart. 

Their first gifts to NUS were made in honour of their parents, particularly Mr Wong’s father who was a school headmaster and set an example by supporting the education of relatives and close friends in need. The Sheares Hall couple said they understood the financial struggles faced by some undergraduates and hoped to “make it easier for current students in need”.

The NUS Campus Couples Bursary Fund was initiated by Mr Yeo Keng Joon, who met his wife, Madam Kong Yuet Peng (Business ’86), when they were pursuing their MBA degrees at NUS Business School. The pair had established the bursary as a way to give back to the NUS community after receiving financial assistance with their education.

Submitted by Ms Akanksha Batura Pai (Business '14)

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