A Decade of Memories: The 10-Year Reunion of the Faculty of Dentistry Class of 2014

31 August

On 31 August 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry's Class of 2014 gathered to celebrate a milestone—a decade since they donned their caps and gowns and embarked on their professional journeys. The reunion, held at Aria Atelier, was more than just a gathering; it was a celebration of memories, accomplishments, and enduring friendships.

Former classmates, now accomplished dentists, arrived with their families in tow, a testament to the growth and changes the past ten years had brought. The event officially kicked off with a welcome speech from the class representative, reminiscing about their days in dental school, the late-night study sessions, the challenges they faced, and the bonds that were formed. There was a shared sense of pride in how far they had all come, both personally and professionally.

This was followed by a commemorative video screening. The video, carefully curated by a group of alumni, was a poignant trip down memory lane. It featured a montage of photos and videos from their time in dental school—classroom moments, practical sessions, social gatherings, and graduation day. It was a powerful reminder of the strong bond that had been forged during their years of study.

After the video, it was time for the photo-taking session. The children joined in, adding a playful element to the otherwise formal photo session. The evening continued with a cake-cutting ceremony, symbolising the sweet successes of the past decade. The cake, designed in the shape of the number "10," was a beautiful representation of their journey together.

As the night drew to a close, there was a shared acknowledgment that while their professional paths might have diverged, the bonds they had formed in those early years of their careers remained as strong as ever. Promises were made to keep in touch, and plans were discussed for the next reunion.

The 10-year anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Dentistry's Class of 2014 was more than just a reunion; it was a celebration of the past, a recognition of the present, and a hopeful look toward the future. The evening was a beautiful reminder that no matter where life takes them, they will always share a common bond, rooted in those transformative years spent together.

  • Faculty - Dentistry
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