Alumni Gathering at Hangzhou

15 October

On a crisp autumn day, 15 October 2023, with the fragrance of the orange osmanthus still lingering, it was a pleasure to meet our NUS alumni at Hangzhou, the city that just held the 19th Asian Games.

We met with old friends and new friends, classmates, roommates, seniors and mentors. One thing is common to all: we have all studied or worked in NUS to some extent, and have been influenced by NUS, sharing common memories and growth. It is lucky that we were able to gather to share coffee and good food, and more importantly, listen to talks and discussions with alumni.

Sharing 1: Alumni Society Helps Our Career and Entrepreneurs. Dr. Mingliang You (PhD, Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Class of '11), Founder/Chairman of Aiming Medicine, talked about the value of alumni, especially the understanding of the word "support". Some key words are as follows: Support, help, a mutual willingness to assist. Gratitude, reverence, humility, altruism. Strength, the power of positive energy. Being close to people with positive energy, which is a form of empowerment itself.

Sharing 2: Deciphering the code of life and health with bioinformatics A/Prof. Henry Yang, Experts of Bioinformatics, Cancer Science Institute, Singapore, NUS, shared his recent progress on bioinformatic analysis for biological issues.

Sharing 3: Understanding and Choosing China's Multi-Level Capital Markets Mr. Jesse Chen (LLM 09), Partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng Law Firm, Beijing, China shared experience and common pitfalls for Capital Markets in China. It gave advice for alumni who are starting a business. We also discussed future alumni activities and we will meet again at the next alumni reunion.

Special thanks to Hangzhou Aiming Medical Technology Co., Ltd. for providing the Venue, Dr Xu Luang (Medicine ‘11), Dr. You Mingliang (Medicine ‘11), Dr Zhu Yang (Science ‘11), Mr Wang Ding (Risk Management ‘18), Mr Chen Jiexi (Law ‘09), Dr Zhou Yi (Medicine ‘11), Dr Jiao Huipeng (Medicine ‘10), Dr Shi Yin (Medicine ‘10), Mr Yan Zhiren (Law ‘21), Dr Ge Jingyan (Science ‘07), Dr Xing Huayang (Medicine ‘13 Jan), Dr Yu Ke (Engineering ‘08), Dr Li Bin (Medicine ‘12), Ms Qian Shiyi (Business ‘17), Dr Lv Jia (Engineering ‘12), Dr Zhang Jianbin (Physiology ‘11), Dr Na Zhenkun (Science ‘09), Dr Ye Zu (Medicine ‘11), Dr Lufei Chencheng (Science '98), Dr Dai Xiaoyun (Medicine ‘11), Dr Na Zhenkun (Science ‘09), Dr Yang Shan (Engineering ‘12), Ms Guan Siqi (Business ‘17), Ms Jiang Wenyi (Business ‘17), Dr Soh Boon Seng (Science '98), and Mr Shang Jingfu (ISS '08) and Dr. Liu Yilin(Medicine, ‘09). 

Submitted by Luang Xu (Medicine '16)

  • Overseas Chapter / Alumni Circle / Global Ambassador - China - NUS Alumni Xiamen Chapter
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