Issue 125 | Apr-Jun 2021

Smiling Your Way to Good Oral Health

On 21 January, in a session organised in partnership with National University Hospital (NUH) and National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore (NUCOHS), Health & Wellness welcomed Dental Consultant Dr Tay Chong Meng (Dentistry ’03) and orthodontist Dr Wilson Lu (Dentistry ’11).

Dr Tay spoke on Taking Charge of Your Oral Health, imparting his knowledge on common oral diseases and preventive oral care to the audience. Dr Lu subsequently gave a short talk on Orthodontics – Aligning for Better Health, taking the audience through different treatments, preventable orthodontic problems and steps to mitigate them.

Dr Tay Chong Meng, Dental Consultant at the National University Heath System Singapore.

Dr Wilson Lu, Orthodontist at the National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore and Assistant Professor at the NUS Faculty of Dentistry.

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