NUS Accountancy Networking Night

13 September

The 6th NUS Accountancy Networking Night was held on 13 September. Jointly organised by NUS Business School Alumni Association (NUSBSA) and Business Accountancy Network (NUS BAN), it was held at a very conducive venue graciously hosted by CPA Australia.

The event started with a sharing by an industry speaker – this year’s featured Ms Goh Xin Ying, Head of Business Development at fintech startup Funding Societies. Ms touched on the topic “Adapting to Industry 4.0” and gave the students in-attendance insights into the wide new world of fintech. She also shared her career journey starting out in a traditional fund management role to heading up business development in a startup, which she had never expected given her accounting background. Another living example of how accounting graduates have endless possibilities when it comes to charting out their career paths!   

Thereafter, the highlight of the event commenced – networking! With the abundance of alumni who turned up to support for this year, the event had a very comfortable student-to-alumni ratio of approximately 2:1. The alumni’s backgrounds spanned from the typical such audit, tax and banking, to more fascinating ones such as cloud accounting, forensic accounting, and more. 

Interestingly, the freshmen had few questions and were generally curious, preferring to hear the alumni share anything and everything they thought might be relevant. In comparison, the students in their penultimate and final years had a much better idea of what direction(s) they wanted to explore their careers in (and also not!), and came with very specific questions which the alumni were more than happy to address.

The event thanks appreciate faculty members Prof Chng Chee Kiong (Business '86), Prof Stephen Lynn and Ms Susan See Tho who took time out to support the event and gamely joined in to share their own insights with the students. Special thanks also goes to Mr Chua Hung Meng (Business '81), vice-president of NUS BSA who was also present at the event.

It was great to see a new team of students from BAN putting together the event, and some of them taking up new roles like being an emcee for the first time.

  • Faculty - Business
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