Class Reunion for the Division of Industrial Design

30 December

The Division of Industrial Design alumni (Class of 2017) gathered for their class reunion on 30 December 2022, and everyone was excited to see each other and catch up on old times. As they arrived, alumni were greeted with smiles and hugs from classmates they had not seen in a long time. It was truly heart-warming for alumni to be surrounded by so many familiar faces.

After a delicious dinner, the group spent the evening sharing stories from their school days, the different paths their lives have taken and the various achievements accomplished. They also spent some time reminiscing about their favourite memories from university days and reliving some of the fun they had back then. Overall, it was a wonderful evening and all guests left feeling grateful for the chance to reconnect with old friends. The group looks forward to the next reunion and the opportunity to come together again as friends.

Submitted by Mr Tan Sei Yee (Design and Environment ’17)

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