Issue 129 | Apr-Jun 2022

Your Relationship with Money

To kickstart the new year, more than 200 participants joined this session on 24 February 2022 to explore their relationship with money and how it impacts relationships with others.

Ms Audrey Joy Tan sharing the various ways to put your money to work.
Ms Audrey Joy Tan (Arts and Social Sciences ’11), Co-Founder of PlayMoolah and Circles of Angels, gave valuable insights into how one can build financial and emotional resilience through eight forms of capital, and how to better manage their finances in an economy disrupted by the pandemic.

Besides finances, Ms Tan also encouraged the audience to be good stewards of their other resources, such as opportunities, time and talent. In the last 30 minutes of the session, Ms Tan also answered various questions on financial management posted by the attentive alumni participants.
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