NUS Alumni SF Chapter Reboot Event

29 August

The NUS Alumni San Francisco Chapter hosted a Meet-and-Greet event at the facilities of BLOCK71 in San Francisco on 29 August, 2019.

At the event, the Committee, headed by newly-appointed Chairperson, Mr Anuj Jagannathan (Business '16) was glad to have brought together and connected with 33 NUS alumni and students from different facilities and schools, representing diverse organizations in the Bay Area. It was also a pleasure to host Ms Soh Siew Choo (Computing '93), Managing Director of DBS Customer Banking and Big Data/AI, who was in the Bay Area on a business trip. To add a South-East Asian touch to the event, the food served included delicacies from a Singaporean-owned catering company.

Since the appointment of the new Chapter Committee in July 2019, this was the first event in the efforts to revive the Chapter.  The Committee is planning to host speaker sessions, informational sessions, social and other networking events in the coming months.

NUS flag is flying high in SF!

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