Issue 130 | Jul-Sep 2022

Self-care And Preventive Health – Pharmacists Share Some Tips!

Self-care is the new buzzword, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

Ms Chung and Mr Tang, in their lab coats, posing for a photo with an alumnus and the organising team from NUS Alumni Relations and the Department of Pharmacy. 

What are some of the good practices one can adopt to live a healthy livestyle? These queries were answered at the hybrid session of Health and Wellness by Ms Chung Wing Lam (Science ’09) and Mr Colin Tang (Science ’14), both Clinical Principal Pharmacists at Watson’s Personal Care Stores Pte Ltd. Both speakers spoke enthusiastically to the 168 online and in-person participants on effective medication management, tips on medicine storage and ways to reduce the side effects of medicines. Answering queries from the keen audience, they also shed light on the role of pharmacists in diabetes control, diet enhancements and smoking cessation. This session was organised in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science.

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