NUS Alumni Manila Chapter Joins Bukit Timah Homecoming 2022

02 July

On 2 July 2022, NUS Alumni Manila Chapter joined the Bukit Timah Homecoming held at the Upper Quadrangle of the University’s Bukit Timah Campus. Representing the Chapter at the event were Chairperson, Mr Richard Tan (Public Policy ’12), and Vice Chairperson, Mr Nestor Precioso (Science ’06). Organised by NUS Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) and co-hosted by the Faculty of Law and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Bukit Timah Homecoming 2022 returned as a physical event for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. NUS Chancellor, President Halimah Yacob (Law ’78) graced the event as Guest-of-Honour.

Themed “Disco Fiesta”, alumni dressed to the nines to match the evening’s “Sparkle and Shine” dress code. Alumni were treated to a sumptuous four-course “Modern Singaporean” dinner and engaging performances from the NUS community, including a fashion show and catwalk from Senior Alumni. The event saw close to 800 alumni returning to campus for the occasion, with Safe Management Measures implemented. During the event, Chapter Chairperson, Mr Tan, and Chapter Vice Chairperson, Mr Precioso, exchanged pleasantries with NUS President, Prof Tan, Professor Kishore Mahbubani (Arts and Social Sciences ’71), and the OAR team, reaffirming the Chapter’s commitment to actively engage NUS alumni in Manila through networking and community involvement initiatives.

Submitted by Mr Nestor Precioso (Science ’06).

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