NUS College of Design and Engineering Alumni Award Ceremony

16 November

The inaugural NUS College of Design and Engineering (CDE) Alumni Award Ceremony, held on 16 November 2022, celebrated the achievements of ten outstanding alumni. The Distinguished Alumni Award was conferred to three recipients: Mr Dalson Chung (Engineering '89), Dr Uma Maheswaran Cheyyar Ramanathan (Design and Environment '06) and Mr Teo Swee Ann (Engineering '00). This year’s Outstanding Young Alumni Award was conferred to three recipients: Mr Jeffrey Tiong Jee Hui (Engineering '08), Dr Andy Tay Kah Ping (Engineering '14) and Dr Aishwarya Bandla (Engineering '17).

2022 saw the institution of three new alumni awards, namely the Alumni Excellence Award, the Alumni Rising Star Award, and the Alumni Team Award. The recipient of the inaugural Alumni Excellence Award was conferred to Er Cong Zhengxia (Engineering '09), while this year’s Alumni Rising Stars Award was conferred to Mr Andy Soh Wei Zhi (Engineering '18), Mr Ong Kok Chung (Engineering '22) and Ms Poh Yun Ru (Design and Environment '18) respectively. To find out more about the event, please visit CDE Alumni Relations website here.

Submitted by Ms Violet Ng.

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