Presenting the Class of 2011!
Presenting the Class of 2011!
One for the photobook!
Video Screening of the Rag and Flag 2007/08 Performance
Enjoying table games while chatting over food and drinks
Dentistry Class of 2011's 11th Year Reunion
11 November
Due to COVID-19 and Safe Management Measures in 2021, what was supposed to be a tenth year reunion was delayed by a year for Dentistry’s Class of 2011. Regardless, an 11th year reunion, held on 11.11 was still a significant milestone for the class, as they had not caught up one another since graduation. Set at The Villa located in the Singapore Botanic Gardens, the Class spent the night reminiscing the good old times over videos which captured their undergraduate life at the Faculty of Dentistry. The Class caught up with each other over food and drinks and indulged in merrymaking through table games planned by the organising committee.
Amidst the busyness of our lives, 80% of the class managed to carve out time to attend this event, which took months of planning and preparation. The healthy turnout was testament that many from the Class still held dear the moments spent, experiences shared and friendships built in their undergraduate years. The Class is grateful to the enthusiastic organisers – Dr Wong Kuan Yee (Dentistry ’11), Dr Lim Wen Yi (Dentistry ’11), Dr Adrian Shi (Dentistry ’11) and Dr Chan Boon Hui (Dentistry ’11). The Class would also like to thank the Office of Alumni Relations for their support in providing the door gifts and seed funding for the event. Special thanks also to the Faculty of Dentistry’s Alumni Relations team, including Dr Betty Mok (Dentistry ’81), Ms Ow Yong Oi (Business ’83) and Ms Tiffany How for making the connections between OAR and our organizing committee. Till the next time at the 20th year reunion!
Submitted by Dr Wilson Lu (Dentistry ’11).