Issue 134 | Jul-Sep 2023

Making History in Singapore’s Largest Clean-up Effort

Close to 80 tireless volunteers from the NUS community joined thousands of others in a record-breaking SG Clean Day on 13 May 2023.

NUS volunteers, including the University’s alumni, students and staff, showing their support for a cleaner, more sustainable Singapore.
Amid the sweltering heat, they showed their commitment to the environment as they collected tissues, wrappers and other litter at the F1 Pit Building. Chairman of the NUS Cares Steering Committee, Mr Ho Jun Yi (Law & Public Policy ’11), highlighted the event’s significance. “It’s more than picking up litter. It symbolises our wider NUS community — staff, students and alumni — being a part of this movement. That’s consistent with the mission of NUS Cares, which is to bring the community together through service to society.” 

Addressing the trash pollution problem might seem daunting, but many helping hands can multiply the impact. Learning about sustainability through such first-hand experiences can bring much joy and satisfaction.  Dr Eunice Ng, Fellow and Resident Fellow, NUS RVRC

Started in April 2021, the quarterly SG Clean Day is spearheaded by the Public Hygiene Council, with partners including town councils and organisations like NUS. The recent island-wide event drew 4,801 volunteers, eclipsing previous numbers in the Singapore Book of Records for the Most Number of Participants in a Single-Location Clean-Up and Most Number of Participants in a Multiple-Location Clean-Up. The involvement of NUS volunteers, including alumni and their family members, showed the University’s dedication to sustainability. Mr Sidarath Sharma (Business ’18), an alumnus who recently started volunteering again, said: “These events give us the right values, reminding us not to take our clean city for granted and to give back to society. Volunteering brings a lot of satisfaction.” 
Volunteers, big and small, lending a hand.
NUS Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) even organised an intertidal walk as part of its clean‑up at Changi Beach on SG Clean Day to emphasise the impact of litter on marine ecosystems. Student Rywene Ang, who picked up 52.5kg of trash in 40 minutes with her RVRC mates, said: “It was nice to join others in caring for the environment and clearing beach litter. Every effort counts!” 
Kudos to our determined RVRC staff, students and friends, who collected 52.5kg of trash in 40 minutes at Changi Beach. 


Be part of NUS Cares. Your small actions can have a big impact, which is to bring the university community together through service to society. Ignite change alongside fellow alumni and the broader NUS community. Discover diverse volunteering opportunities now.

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Photos: Wilson Pang
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