College of Design and Engineering - Alumni Chat with the Dean

08 April

NUS College of Design and Engineering (CDE) held its first Alumni Chat with the Dean on 8 April 2022. About 60 alumni took time off from their busy schedules to join the panel discussion via Zoom, discussing how CDE, as a new college, could better engage with alumni. The Dean shared the aspirations of CDE: to build a new community, to unite diverse minds and talents, to foster interdisciplinary spirit, and to innovate design and engineering – which resonated with attendees gathered that evening. Beyond generic one-time engagement, alumni also raised that more opportunities should be created and made known for them to connect with their alma mater in more meaningful ways. They urged the College to consider more structured forms of engagement which can bring value to alumni, via collaborations or channels to support alumni businesses, or assist in their professional development. This could be done through student-alumni joint projects where alumni tap on CDE’s research talents, or even in unique ways such as sharing "passion projects". CDE hopes to continue working closely with key alumni partners, as the alumni base is an integral part of the extended CDE community.  

Submitted by Ms Ellen Poh.

  • Faculty - College of Design and Engineering
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