NUS Geography Majors Tea 2021

19 February

"Across Space and Time" was the theme for the NUS Geography Majors Tea 2021 as two alumni from the Department of Geography, spanning both space and time, were invited as guest speakers. Mr Christopher Soh (Arts and Social Sciences ’14) returned to the department to talk to students about his career achievements in both the public and private sector in Singapore, while Mr Kelman Chiang (Arts and Social Sciences ’16), currently based in San Francisco, joined the audience via Zoom.

Physical distance notwithstanding, the students and faculty members who attended the event were enlightened by Mr Soh and Mr Chiang's insights on working in Singapore and abroad; as well as the differences between the civil sector and the corporate world. Mr Soh is currently a Senior Associate at KPMG Singapore dealing with Sustainability Services, while Mr Chiang is a Product Analyst with Postmates Inc.

Since the late 1990s, the Department of Geography has invited outstanding alumni to speak at either the Geography Career Talk or the Geography Majors Tea. After the 2021 Geography Majors Tea, an undergraduate commented, “it is most inspiring to hear alumni talk about how their [education in geography] has literally brought them across space and time.”

Submitted by Associate Professor Chang Tou Chuang.

  • Faculty - Arts & Social Sciences
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