NUS President’s Dialogue with CDE Alumni

12 March

The President’s Dialogue with Alumni, held on 12 March 2024 at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, was a gathering filled with camaraderie, inspiration, and meaningful connections.

The event brought together esteemed alumni from the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), along with distinguished guests from the National University of Singapore (NUS) leadership. Six notable CDE alumni were specially invited to the lunch, alongside NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost Professor Thean Voon-Yew Aaron; CDE Acting Dean Professor Teo Kie Leong; CDE Assistant Dean (Alumni Relations) Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay; and Chief Alumni Officer Ms. Ovidia Lim-Rajaram.

The highlight of the event was a captivating presentation by Ms. Anthea Foong, who shared her remarkable life journey with the audience. From her humble beginnings as an undergraduate at NUS to her endeavours as an entrepreneur and national fencer, Ms. Foong's story resonated deeply with everyone present, leaving an impression of resilience, determination, and success.

The atmosphere during the dialogue was vibrant and engaging, as attendees strengthened old connections and forged new ones. The exchange of ideas and experiences among alumni was both lively and fruitful, facilitated by the congenial ambiance and the delectable spread of food. The event concluded on a high note, leaving attendees feeling invigorated and inspired by the achievements and aspirations of their fellow alumni. It was indeed a testament to the enduring legacy of NUS and the profound impact of its alumni community.

To find out more about the event, please visit the CDE Alumni Relations website at

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