Geography Majors Tea

17 February

The Majors Tea, a key student outreach event in NUS Geography’s calendar, was held on 17 February 2023, where three alumni returned to the department to share their experiences of navigating the job market as recent graduates. The invited guests were Mr Gordon Oh (Arts and Social Sciences ‘21), Nature-based Solution Analyst at Adatos.AI; Ms Kamarunnisa Ismail (Arts and Social Sciences ‘20), Planner in Strategic Research, Urban Redevelopment Authority; and Mr Nadi Chan (Arts and Social Sciences ‘18), Co-Founder and Director of Foreword Coffee Roasters.

Drawing on experiences spanning the public sector, private enterprise and entrepreneurship, the alumni shared about the value of gaining various types of work experience through short-term assignments, the benefits of doing extra-curricular activities, and how a degree in geography has enabled them to synthesise different types of knowledge. Students who attended the event raised questions on how geography has helped alumni to respond to the increased emphasis on sustainability in a variety of sectors, and the type of myths regarding geography graduates in the job market.

The event also included a new component that focused on the significance of doing an Honours’ Thesis and embarking on geographical research, where the alumni also shared their personal experiences related to these aspects. The segment was particularly inspiring since Mr Gordon Oh was the winner of the Tan Huat Neo Best Thesis Prize and Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award in 2021.

The Majors Tea was attended by 42 people, and included prize-winning activities such a quiz on the alumni speakers and a lucky draw. Each year since the late 1990s, NUS Geography has invited outstanding alumni to share their experiences with current students. According to Ms Kamarunnisa Ismail, “It’s good to be back at NUS, to share my experiences with the department. I found similar sessions helpful when I was an undergraduate, and hope that the current batch gains a better understanding of the various different options and career paths available to them.”

This year’s Majors Tea was particularly notable as an undergraduate commented, “It was very heart-warming to see everyone interact and spend time together after COVID-19! The event also allowed alumni to provide us greater insights and valuable knowledge about the working world”. A big thank you to the alumni for being so generous with their time and for supporting this event. Many thanks to the Special Projects Committee of the NUS Geographical Society for their help in organising yet another successful Majors Tea.

Submitted by Dr Menusha De Silva (Arts and Social Sciences ’18)

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