Awardwinning theatre director Edith Podesta and NUS talents bring you on a fascinating and shocking journey into what is possible if consumerism supercedes all moral codes.



Theatrical collaboration between Multimedia Designer Brian Gothong Tan, Lighting Designer Adrian Tan and Theatre Director Edith Podesta with NUS Talents

Fri 28 & Sat 29 Mar | 8pm | UCC Theatre | $29 & $23 | 105 min (with interval)

Tickets for both shows are selling fast!
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"Life for Singaporeans is not complete without shopping"
          – Goh Chok Tong,
              Former Prime Minister of Singapore.

In a world where everything can be bought or $old, how much are you willing to $pend? Buy now, pay later but at what price? At what point doe$ the con$umer become the con$umed? Candid, witty, provocative and acce$$ible, Con$umed examine$ the $eriou$, far-reaching i$$ue of con$umeri$m for the wider audience.

Awardwinning theatre director Edith Podesta, Young Artist Award recipient Brian Gothong Tan and Life! Theatre Award nominee Adrian Tan, together with a team of professional actors and NUS talents, we bring you on a fascinating and shocking journey into what is possible if consumerism supersedes all moral codes.

Click here to read more about the artists.

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